
miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012



1. According to the following information ask and answer the Questions about Sally.
1.    What/  do /at 6:00/?
2.    she/take /bus?
3.    What/have for lunch?
4.    What time/finish/work?
5.    What/usually/do/in the evening?
6.    What time/ go to bed?
Hi, my name is Sally, I usually wake up at 6 o’clock and I get up at 7 o’clock and have a big breakfast. I don’t take a bus, I walk to work, which takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8:45. I never have lunch so I eat a sandwich and drink a soda. At work I write some letters and I finish work at 5 o’clock. After work I go to the supermarket and buy something I’m always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I don’t usually go out. I drink a glass of milk or I read a book and after I go to bed at about 11 o’clock, and I always sleep well.

7.    Correct the mistaken sentences, replacing the pronouns by the correct one.

a.Her is a beautiful person  ________________________

b.Us don’t have much time ________________________

c. She told I about the book _______________________
d. We see they every morning ________________________

e. Them go to they house _______________________       

• What’s wrong with my computer?

Complete the telephone conversation between Dennis and Vicky with the correct auxiliary verbs. Use contractions. Then listen and check.

D:  Good afternoon. This is the Computer Helpline. My name's Dennis. How can I help you?
V:  Hi I (1) `_m_  having a problem with my computer. It (2) isn`t (not) working.
D:  OK. Please tell me your name and the name of your company and describe what (3)____ wrong.
V:  My name's Vicky, Vicky Marks. I (4)_____ (not) work for a company. I 'm self-employed. I work at home, and I (5) trying to meet an important deadline. This morning I (6) ____working away happily, when suddenly everything stopped and a message carne up on the screen. Then the screen went blank.
D: OK Vicky, (7)_____ (not) worry! What (8)_____the message say?
V: I can't remember exactly, because
 I (9) _____(not) understand it. I think it said something about the computer's memory.
D: That's OK. Tell me, (10) ___ you turn the computer off?
V: No. I (11) ____(not). It's still on.
D:  Good. Now do exactly what I say. Go to your computer, OK? Can you see a W in the top right-hand corner of the screen? Click on that with the mouse.
What (12) ____ it say? Can you read it to me?
V:  There's a list of three things. First it says ...

2 Write questions and answers about the conversation.
1. Vicky / the / is / why / Computer Helpline /calling / ?
Q Why is Vicky calling the Computer Helpline?_______________________
A Because________________________

2. work / for / Vicky / does / company / which / ?
A She______________________________

3. doing / when / computer / she / her/was / what /stopped / ?
A She______________________________

4. Vicky/why/remember/message/the/can't/?

5. turn / computer / she / did / her / off/ ?
A No,____________________________

Making questions

Write the questions. Then write true answers about you.
1. parents / where / were / your / born / ?
Q Where were your parents born?____
A They were born in ..._____________
2. today/what/you/are/wearing/?
3. living/ you /started / were / where/ when / you / school/?
4. go / you / where /vacation/ were / d i d / child/when/you/on/a/?

8.    Pluralization:  Classify and write the following plural’s form.



9.    Complete the sentences using some, any, much, many, a little, a few, or a lot of.

1.    Do you have _________brothers or sisters?
2.    Do we need _________olive oil?
3.    Here are ________ letters for you.
4.    I need _________ money
5.    There aren’t _____ __tomatoes left.
6.    Do you have_________ homework?
7.    We don’t need __________eggs.
8.    Is there __________ traffic in your town?
9.    I don’t know _______ students in this class.
10. How _ _________ people live in your house?
11. I have ________ close friends. Two or three-
12. He has ___________ money. He’s  a millionaire
13. Do you take sugar in your coffee? Just ___________. Half a spoonful.
14. Do you have _________ CDs? “Yes, hundreds”.
15. I’ll be ready in ______ minutes.
16. She speaks good Spanish, but only__________ Portuguese.

10. Choose the correct answer: This, that, these, or those.

* How much are (these, this) shoes?
* Can you lend me (that, those) glasses to go out?
* I need help. Can you reach (this, that) shirt for me? Please.
* I like (these, that, this) pants are they on sale?
* (This, These) is a really nice place. Thank you.

1. Write a paragraph answering the question and use frequency adverbs. How often does your mother do these activities in her daily routine?
Take a shower, eat tacos, go to the movie, watch T.V, work, think, talk on the phone, use a laptop, play WII, go to the supermarket, travel by plane, go to Cartagena, go to the Gym, Have breakfast.

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